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Understanding LinkedIn's Social Selling Index (SSI)

Written by Jimmy | 5 September 2024

In a world where digital interactions are becoming increasingly important, Social Selling has become a key element for salespeople looking to build strong relationships and generate sales opportunities. LinkedIn, as a major professional networking platform, offers a valuable indicator called the Social Selling Index (SSI). This article guides you through the concept of the SSI, its importance, and how to use it to enhance your sales strategy.

What is the Social Selling Index (SSI)?

The Social Selling Index (SSI) is a score developed by LinkedIn to measure a user's social selling effectiveness on the platform. It evaluates how you use LinkedIn to establish your professional brand, find the right people, exchange relevant information, and build strong relationships.

The SSI score is calculated on a scale from 0 to 100, broken down into four main dimensions, each contributing 25 points to the total score.

The four SSI dimensions are:
  1. Establish your professional brand: Create an optimized, engaging LinkedIn profile that reflects your expertise and attracts the attention of prospects.
  2. Find the right people: Use LinkedIn to identify and connect with the right targets, i.e. the prospects most relevant to your business.
  3. Share insights: Publish and share relevant content that demonstrates your expertise and is useful to your network.
  4. Build strong relationships: Interact regularly with your contacts to strengthen relationships and establish trust.

You want to know your social selling selling index (keep the link as a shortcut).

Why is SSI important for salespeople?

The SSI is a valuable indicator for evaluating and improving your Social Selling strategy.

It enables you to:

  • Measure effectiveness:The SSI provides a clear overview of your Social Selling strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to identify areas for improvement.
  • Improve visibility: A high SSI score can increase your visibility on LinkedIn, making your content more likely to appear in your connections' searches and news feeds.
  • Optimizing prospecting: By optimizing the four dimensions of SSI, you increase your chances of finding and connecting with the right prospects, which translates into increased sales opportunities. Especially if you prospect with Charik, which lets you add LinkedIn contacts to HubSpot (along with their contact details).

How to improve your SSI

Improving your Social Selling Index requires a methodical approach focused on its four key dimensions.

Here are some strategies to achieve this:

  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile: Make sure your profile is complete and professional, including a quality profile photo, a punchy summary, and detailed information about your experience and skills.
  • Target the right connections:Use LinkedIn's search tools to identify and connect with qualified prospects. Join relevant groups and participate in discussions to expand your network.
  • Share relevant content: Regularly publish articles, updates, and comments on topics related to your industry. This shows your expertise and helps engage your network.
  • Strengthen existing relationships: Don't forget to interact with your connections. Like, comment on and share their publications, and don't hesitate to send personalized messages to maintain the relationship.

Analyze and track your progress

The SSI is constantly updated, so you can track the impact of your actions on your score in real time. Use it as a barometer to adjust your Social Selling strategies accordingly. If a particular dimension seems to be underperforming, focus your efforts on improving it.

💡 What if improving their SSI was one of your sales reps' goals?

Keep an eye on how your SSI compares with that of your peers in the same sector. This can give you an idea of your positioning and opportunities for improvement.


LinkedIn's Social Selling Index is a powerful tool for managers and salespeople looking to maximize their impact on the platform.

By understanding and optimizing each dimension of the SSI, you can not only improve your visibility and influence on LinkedIn, but also strengthen your business relationships and, ultimately, increase your sales.