Searching for a Company in Charik

To search for a company using Charik in HubSpot, follow these simple steps:

  1. Access the Company Tab

    • Log in to your HubSpot account and navigate to the Companies tab.
    • Click on Create a Company.
    • Enter the company name and click on Create.
  2. Open the Company Page

    • Once the company is created, its dedicated page will open automatically.
    • On the right side of your screen, locate the Charik - Companies card.
  3. Start a Company Search

    • On the Charik - Companies card, click on Actions and select Search Companies.
  4. Use the Advanced Search Feature

    • The search functionality will open, allowing you to perform a detailed search by entering the following criteria:
      • Company Name
      • Industry
      • Location
      • Date of Creation
      • Minimum and Maximum Revenue

By following these steps, you can quickly and efficiently find detailed information about companies directly within HubSpot using the Charik integration.